Dash Wonder Scroll Quest - Can do this on Fridays, then reset app beginning of next quarter. Students use 1 partner's ipad that matches student number; solve every other problem, then switch ipads and do opposite problems.
Resetting the App
Step 1: Tap and hold on Eli's head/hair with one finger.
Step 2: Without letting up on Eli's hair, tap Free Play, then Inventor’s Log, then Free Play again with another finger.
Dash Wonder Controller - This can be turned off on a reset
Student Behavior Expectations
Text-based coding for 3-5 grade
Viking View Counselor's Corner
Steps 1-6, 7(scroll, for all instructions, including challenge), 8a-d any order
3 Green Circles = Go Guardian Kid's Choice; group less than 3 teams
Create a new dash blockly project to launch a ball into a bucket. Code to launch for both left and right. Mark distances from bucket for 70, 80, 90 and 100 % Power.
Conflict Resolution - Challenge Review then Graded Quiz